Tag: #ChasGunaratne #PropertyInvestments #CommercialProperty #FundsManagement

Relationship Property

Anecdotally, during the Christmas and summer holiday time of year there seems to be an increase in relationships ending. Whether it’s the stress of Christmas and the financial pressure that goes with that, or the fact people are on holiday and spending a lot of time in close quarters, it’s a time where some couples […]

National’s Tax Plan Highlights

On 30th August 2023 National announced its tax plan ahead of the upcoming election labelled “Back Pocket Boost – Tax Relief for the Squeezed Middle”. As in the name, the focus is on middle New Zealanders, aiming at putting cash back in their pockets. The plan is to provide $14.6b income tax relief over the […]

Tax and Trusts

Whether you are a businessperson signing contracts and leases in the ordinary course of business, a property investor signing finance agreements with banks, a property trader, or a developer, you will no doubt want to pay as little tax as legally required and protect the assets you’ve worked so hard to attain. So how do […]

Legislation Changes

The government have made changes to two areas of legislation that affect property investors: tax (interest deduction and bright-line), and the Resource Management Act.   Tax Changes In October the government finally introduced legislation into parliament setting out the proposed interest deduction rules. Here is a summary of the highlights. a) We still do not have […]

New Tax Changes

I’m seething about these tax changes and it’s not just the fact that Labour lied to us; it’s the whole bigger picture and the implications for ordinary New Zealanders.  This Government is attacking middle New Zealand with all these housing initiatives and tax reforms – it’s mums and dads being hit, not property oligarchs. According […]

New Zealand’s Housing Markets

Strong demand for housing, extreme shortage of listings, strong interest from overseas buyers inc. expats, some buying sight unseen. Strong sales in the high-end bracket $3 to $6m. Swamped with buyer enquiry. Everyone seems to be clambering to get a slice of the action. Bare land, sections, new builds existing houses. All attracting huge buyer […]